Monday, January 17, 2011

Video Game Designing

     Video games have blown up immensely in this new technological era. Many successful games have grossed millions of dollars. Every video game is broken up into two giant portions, the computer code and the visual design and effects. Video game designers create the environment for the game and create the mood and feel of the game visually. Besides creating the scenery of the entire game, the video game designers create the storyline and objective portion as well. Game designers must be artistic, creative, intelligent, and dedicated due to the complexity and length of each game. However, game designers are not asked to create entire game solely by themselves, usually companies hire a complete team of designers to meet their deadlines. The job can be stressful at times especially as the release date is continually closing in and companies expect deadlines to be met. Many designers put in over ten hours a day, however the work is extremely rewarding and appealing.