So when designers first come in, they meet with their team and discuss the day's agenda and follow up by working independently occasionally asking the other designers various questions. After some time working the designers would meet with their boss and discuss the product's progress and its status. A break in the gaming industry is known as a play through. Designers physically put their game into a console and test it out by playing with the other designers to see what works, what looks good, what the game lacks. After a play through the designers would again meet and discuss the possible solutions to the game's problems. Breaking again they continue to work independently and fix each problem in their section. The process is repeated daily until they are satisfied and when the designers feel they have created a final product.
Working on video games is a passion many employees have. Even though the hours can drag on the normal eight to five the job offers more than a regular desk job, excitement. After finishing a grossing game the reward and feeling is indescribable and the pay check is not bad either.

Game Designing : Where extraordinary experiences happen
Working on video games is a passion many employees have. Even though the hours can drag on the normal eight to five the job offers more than a regular desk job, excitement. After finishing a grossing game the reward and feeling is indescribable and the pay check is not bad either.
Game Designing : Where extraordinary experiences happen